
Our Commitment to Innovation
Since Flying Fish Cove's inception we committed to using current and innovative techniques and equipment to improve our production processes.
- Latest edition Vaslin Bucher processing line incorporating a vibrating hopper with dejuicing, Trio sorting table and sensor driven must pump. Allows for destemming only if required.
- Vaslin Bucher elevator for whole bunch press filling, open fermenter transfer to press and direct filling from sorting table to open fermenters.
- Two 150 HL Vaslin Bucher membrane presses for gentle extraction incorporating Ortal function for flow rate smart pressing.
Bucher XP Plus 50, membrane press capable of pressing 3 tonne of whole bunch grapes, up to 10 tonne of machine picked grapes or 15 tonne of macerated grapes. Its large draining surface area allows for high juice/ wine extraction at low pressures. Automatic, sequential and interactive press programs. This press will allow greater flexibility in the winery to process small to medium batches and achieve high yields.
Two Juclas floatation pumps for separation of white and rose juices.
- Trane Screw compressor chiller with automated tank temp control throughout tank farm.
- Temperature controlled and insulated barrel storage room.
- Gravity emptying of all Static Red Fermenters including four 35kl Sweep Arm Potters with dedicated centrifugal pumps progressively installed to all statics.
- Carbon dioxide bulk storage with reticulation and diffusers throughout the winery and a dry ice dispenser for tank gassing.
- Hot water ring main serviced by large bank of instant LPG gas hot water units operating from LPG bulk storage facilities onsite
- Compressed air portable tank mixing and air pumps available for soft red ferment mixing. Pump overs with stainless tubs available for aerative dellastage option.
- Automated wine analysis unit, Metrohm Biosystem Y15. This enzymatic analyser can measure free and total sulphite, sugars such as glucose and fructose, L-malic acid, acetic acid and PAN, ammonia. Capable of running up to 150 tests per hour and upgrades our lab with a complete turnkey system that delivers reliable results quickly.
Australian Certified Organic
We are committed to the goal of having a minimal impact on the environment and ecology of our region. Since 2019 our winemaking facility has been certified organic with ACO accreditation for contract processing.
behind the scenes
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