Our Commitment to Sustainability

The Winery is located in Wilyabrup surrounded by pristine remnant vegetation. It is committed to the goal of having a minimal impact on the environment and ecology of our region.
Flying Fish collects its own rainwater and uses onsite surface catchment water for use in production.
All waste water generated on site is collected and regulated by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, since 2000. This ensures that all the water produced by the Winery is collected and treated on site then irrigated to our tree plantation. The Winery can demonstrate 20 years of environmental compliance and evidence that the surrounding land has had no detrimental effects from its operations.
Grape Marc from the winery is used to compost our native tree lot and Wilberry vineyard.
Every year a report is prepared for the National Pollutant Inventory and is available to be viewed on a public register. The report provides information about emissions to the environment which are predominantly from ethanol.
Flying Fish uses renewable energy from a 40-kW solar photovoltaic power system installed on the roof of the Winery. The system provides about 15% of the annual power usage.
Power usage is closely monitored and the Winery has employed innovative processing techniques which reduce the overall power use during production.
Australian Certified Organic
We are committed to the goal of having a minimal impact on the environment and ecology of our region. Since 2019 our winemaking facility has been certified organic with ACO accreditation for contract processing.
behind the scenes
Follow us on instagram @flyingfishcovewinemakers